Scientific & proven ways to gain weight LATEST 2020

Effective ways to gain weight in just a month 

In this world, there are almost 70% facing overweight problem. But there are also many people with the opposite problem of being too thin & skinny.

It is concluded that being underweight is just as bad for your health as being obese.

Also, many people who are not too skinny wants to gain some muscle and looks muscular for appearance.

Clinically, if u are skinny and want to gain some muscle is also the same as person who wants to be overweight. 

Researchers have analysis that being too overweight results in earlier death of a person also underweight is even worse than the obesity problems.

Study have found that being skinny in males is more worse than in female in case of mortality rate.

Being underweight can also affect immune system and your body is more likely to be infected by viruses and bacteria. It also leads to osteoporosis and increased risk in fertility.

People who are underweight typically are not getting enough calories to fuel their bodies. Often, they are also suffering from malnutrition. Malnutrition means you are not taking in enough vitamins and minerals from your food. If you’re underweight, you may be at risk for the following health issues:

Delayed growth & development:- This is especially true in children and teens, whose bodies need plenty of nutrients to grow and stay healthy.

Fragile bones:- A deficiency in vitamin D and calcium, along with low body weight, can lead to weak bones and osteoporosis.

Weakened immune system :- When you don’t get enough nutrients, your body cannot store energy. This makes it difficult to fight illness. It may also be difficult for your immune system to recover after being sick.

Anemia:-  This condition can be caused by not having enough of the vitamins iron, folate, and B12. This can cause dizziness, fatigue, and headaches.

Fertility issue :- In women, low body weight can lead to irregular period which causes insanse pain in women stomach.

But don't worry here are the list of ways which can effectively help you to gain weight in just a few months & it is verified.

1. Take your carbohydrates

Do you know? Carbohydrates are the main source of calorie. Carbohydrate is only the nutrient responsible for the person getting fat. Carbohydrate is essential for the brain and muscle for proper functioning. Consuming insufficient amount of carbohydrate leads to underweight.

The average amount of calorie is 800-900Kcal. Human brain consumes 30% of carbohydrate for the functioning of brain remaining 70% is used by the body as fuel. Not getting enough carbohydrates leads to loose both muscle and strength. So, have you carbohydrate in both breakfast, lunch & dinner. Carbohydrate foods include :- Rice, wheat, maize, barley, potato, nuts, beans, etc are the main source of carbohydrates.

2. Eat lots of protein
Eat 0.82g of protein per pound of body-weight per day for muscle building and recovery. That’s about 100g of protein per day for the 132lb/60kg skinny guy. You can easily hit these numbers by eating a whole source of protein with every meal. Here are some of the best proteins sources for gaining weight:

Steaks, ground round

Chicken breast, chicken thighs

Tuna, salmon, mackerel, sardines

Yoghurt, cottage cheese, milk

Whole eggs

The macronutrient ratio of carbs and fats matters little for gaining weight. What matters most is that you eat more calories than your body burns. Hit your 0.82g of protein per lb of body-weight per day for muscle building. Then fill the rest up with carbs and fats so you hit your calories.

3. Nuts and beans
Nuts such as peanuts & almonds are the great source of protein & calcium.

The concentration of vitamins and minerals inside nuts and beans are very high than other food sources.

Almonds & peanuts are the great source of gaining weight. Having 10-20g of nuts every day results in noticeable gaining in muscle due to increase in protein intake.

Other beans sources like soyabean, kidney beans, rajma beans are also rich in protein & calcium. Consume at least two-thirds a week to gain weight quickly.

4. Have red meat in dinner

 Experimentally, it is found that, consuming red meat has been shown to help with building muscle and gaining weight.

Red meat contains many different amino acids such as L-Arginine, Creatine, leucine, L-Lysine, etc which are the excellent nutrients to build muscle and gaining weight.

Beef, lamb, pork, mutton, tec are the great sources of red meat and it also contains high level of protein.

Adding 100gm of red meat in your daily diet can have huge spike on your weight & muscle.

5. Drink lots of milk

Milk are the great source of fats, carbohydrates, and proteins.

It is also an excellent source of vitamins and minerals, including calcium.

The protein in a milk is great for building muscle as it contains both whey & casein protein.

Try to drink at least 3 glass of milk in a day for getting proper benefit from milk.

Study has also concluded that drinking only whey protein of milk before gymming helps to build muscle.

6. Double up your calories than your body burns in a day
Yes, it's true. An average human takes 2500-3500 calories in a day.

If you are man then you burn 3000 calories in a day on average and if you are woman then you burn 2000-2500 calories in a day on average. So for gaining weight both man & woman should take more than average calorie you burn .

Taking less calorie than average leads to loss of weight instead of gaining.

Eat lots of carbohydrates, protein, fats, Omega 3 fatty acid and cholesterol rich foods. Sweet foods & drinks such as tea, coffee, coke, Sprite, cake, pastry, etc also contains high calories. 


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