How to increase height Latest 2020 scientific way

How to increase height and grow taller.

Have you ever looked mirror and think "I wish I was taller". Are you shy to go for outing with your friends because of your height?
Many people are self-concious about their height and spend a lot of time wondering how to appear taller. You'd be surprised to learn that your height isn't entirely based on genetics. In fact, there are several hormonal and environmental factors that have an influence on your body and even your stature.

Scientists believed that about 80 percent of our height is determined by genetics but they don’t fully understand the exact connection between genetics and height.

Height is determined by more than 700 gene variants (rather than just one gene), which makes it really tough to predict how tall someone will be. A 2017 study that looked at DNA samples of more than 700,000 people found that there are  less common genes that account for more than 1 centimeter of a person’s height.

Your genetics can also cause to health conditions that affect your height, like Gigantism or Marfan syndrome.

Most people stop growing by age 18, but the exact time may vary depending on when you start puberty and also depends on bone age of a person.

Girls typically reach their full height by about age 14, or a few years after menstruation starts. Boys usually stop growing around age 16 but may grow a few inches after that.

Throughout puberty, both boys and girls grow 5-6 per year reaching up to their full potential. Our height stops growing when there is huge spike in sex hormone.

People also stop growing when their body is unable to produce following of these hormones:-

Growth hormones: These hormone is also known as GH or HGH. Growth hormones are made up of 193 amino acids secreted by anterior pituitary gland. This hormone is the only hormone that makes a person to grow taller.

Thyroid hormones: The thyroid gland makes hormones that influence growth. This hormone is responsible for the metabolism of the body and to provide necessary energy for body to grow up to it's full potential.

Sex hormones: Testosterone and estrogen are very important for growth during puberty. Sex hormones increases the acceleration of child's growth during puberty age.

Now the following methods are the secrets to increase your height and grow taller:-

 High intensity Interval training (HIIT)
HIIT is a training where you have to perform exercise in a rapid way with high intensity for short Interval of time. Sprinting is a best example of this training.

Sprinting is done by running with high speed for 6-10sec and then resting for 60 sec for up to 10-20 minutes. Study has proven that sprinting in 6 sec for 10 min cause a huge spike in HGH hormone. Secretion of HGH results in a increase in height. Do sprinting everyday for 6 month and you will observe a noticeable growth in your height.

Slow wave sleep (REM sleep)

(SWS) Slow-wave sleep refers to phase 3 sleep, which is the deepest phase of non-rapid eye movement sleep and is characterized by delta waves  Dreaming and sleepwalking can occur during slow wave sleep During this period our body produce huge amount of growth hormone required for the growth of body. So , be sure to sleep at least 8-9 hours.

Take calcium & vitamin D supplement
Our bones need calcium to maintain it's strength. Without enough calcium bones can't grow in it's full potential. Calcium doesn't actually increase a person height but its increase strength and accelerate the conversion of cartilage into new bone. Not only this, to absorb calcium properly our bones we need vitamin D. Sunlight is a great source of vitamin D. Stay at least 30 min during morning time to get maximum benefit from it.

Get enough protein
Protein are the building block of body tissues, bones and muscle. Protein contains amino acids which is used by our body to produce various hormones and enzymes. Without protein it is impossible for the growth of living body. Researchers has indicated that daily consumption of protein (at least 25gm) increases muscle mass and bone health. Protein also increases our hormones required for growth and maintenance of our body. There are various sources of protein:- chicken, fish ,egg , turkey breast, mutton, etc. Also for vegeterain:- milk, ghee, curd, peas, beans, soyabean, etc are the sources of protein.

Take your supplements
There are only a few conditions where supplements may be appropriate to increase height in children and teenagers and to combat shrinking in older adults.

For example, if your pituitary gland produces less amount of human growth hormone (HGH) then your doctor may recommend a therapy with synthetic HGH.

Additionally, older adults should take vitamin D and calcium supplements to reduce their risk of osteoporosis and shrinking of their height.

In all other cases, you should not take supplements with fake promises about height. Once your growth plates become fused together, there’s no chance that you can increase your height, regardless of what the supplement label advertises.


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