How to loose weight, Latest 2020 updated

How to loose weight naturally.

Loosing a weight is the most challenging thing in today's date.
Modernization of the society hampers a person in their physical activities. Gaining weight is a huge problem in every person nowadays.

Due to heavy weight almost 50% of the world's population is suffering from different serious problems such as:- diabetes, high blood pressure, heart disease, cancer, breathing problems, fatty liver disease, kidney disease, etc. These problems arises everyday in every person day by day. So, its better to get rid of this problem by loosing some weight. It is possible to loose some of our body weight by following healthy lifestyle. Loosing weight depends upon the metabolism & number of calories that we burn in a day. Researches says that the average men needs 2700 calorie per day where as average women needs 2200 calorie per day. If the calorie intake is higher than the average levels then a person can gain more weight. 

Here are the some lists that help you to loose weight:-

1. Intermittent Fasting

 It is the most effective way to loose your weight. I am sure you will loose atleast 20 pounds by this technique . Intermittent fasting is an eating pattern where you cycle between periods of eating and fasting.There are several different intermittent fasting methods, all of which split the day or week into eating periods and fasting periods. Most people already "fast" every day, while they sleep. Intermittent fasting can be as simple as extending that fast a little longer. You can do this by skipping breakfast, eating your first meal at noon and your last meal at 8 pm.
Then you're technically fasting for 16 hours every day, and restricting your eating to an 8-hour eating window. This is the most popular form of intermittent fasting, known as the 16/8 method.

2. Increase body metabolism
The process of burning calorie is known as metabolism & number of calorie you burn in a day is known as metabolic rate. Thyroid hormone is responsible for regulating body metabolism. so, eats lots of sodium and iodine rich foods to boosts your thyroid hormone and it will directly effects on your metabolism.

3. Drink more water

H2O is a secret to loose weight.

More you drink water, more you will burn your calorie. Our body is 75% water, so consuming high amount of water easily cut off some weight from your body. Drink atleast 2-3 litres of water a day.

3. Avoid sugary beverages

Sugar rich foods are the main ingredient of gaining weight. Many people make mistake by consuming high amount of sugary food items before going to bed & early morning.
Sugars increase body glucose levels which effects on person's body weight. From my experience, I will suggest you to have sugar free coffee in morning & evening.

4. Eat spicy and high mineral foods

It's sound abit crazy that how spicy foods regulates body weight?
Have any idea?
There's a small science behind this.
Spicy foods mainly release two hormones :- cortisol & adrenaline . This hormone plays a major role in loosing whole body weight in just a few days.

Spicy foods include peppers, chilly, garam masala, etc. These foods will help you to loose weight by 10-20 pounds.

5. Sleep Well

Many of the people make a mistake by going to bed very late, they only get 6-7 hours of sleep in a day which is insufficient. During sleeping, our body produce many hormones such as :- HGH, testosterone , oestrogen , thyroid , etc. These all hormones have one similar benefits which is to destroy fat cells. So, higher the levels of your hormones, lower will your body weight.

6. Do regular (HIIT)

HIIT stands for High Interval Intensity Training. In this training, you have to run with high speed for a few seconds and continue up to 10 minutes , during this training your body produces more sweat than other regular exercises. Researches have proven that performing HIIT for 10sec is much more effective than any other exercises. Sprinting is one of the best example of HIIT.

7. EAT Water rich foods

Water rich foods such as :- cucumber, water melon, pineapple, tomato, asparagus, etc are very good for those who wants to loose some of their weight. The water inside these foods are very excellent sources of vitamins and fibers which easily loose your weight.

8. Cut your carbs

Eating more carbohydrates easily gains weight. Carbohydrate plays a vital role in gaining weight. If taken in a high amount one may gain weight. So carb should be consumed in a limit.It’s also important to note that the amount of your daily calories that should come from carbs is often influenced by several different factors, like activity level, body composition, age, and existing medical conditions.


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